Who paid for It? Just curious ...
In fact, it's taking a total of 4 years to get all of my tax credits. (The solar tax credit is non-refundable, but does carry forward.)
I put most of my costs into a HELOC loan. Basically I now make a HELOC payment + tiny power bill instead of what I used to pay: a large power bill + large natural gas bill + lots of gasoline at the pump. Think of the HELOC payment as the cost of saving on energy. And as the HELOC balance is paid down, the HELOC payment goes down too. Thus next year it'll cost me less to save on energy. And less the next year. Then the next. While energy costs go up. (Saving more next year. Then more the next. The the next.) Basically, the HELOC payment + tiny power bill is what I used to pay in year 2019 for power bill + natural gas bill + gasoline. Thus, the energy portion of my budget is like the past 4 years' of inflation didn't happen.