Let’s see. Patton wanted Russia and MacArthur wanted China. It took 2 bombs to subjugate Japan so that’s the answer. Who has the will? Iran? No, just let them take the first swing.
The CIA was formed to prevent another Pearl Harbor. Jamie Gorelick wouldn’t let them do their job and 911 happened. Open borders suggest we learned nothing. An ounce of prevention can’t be applied-too late. It will repeat.
Yom Kipper/Oct. 7. Israel was caught off guard both times. Eternal vigilance won’t work. What’s the answer then?
FDR knew without a doubt that Japan was going to attack, and he knew the target. They had broken the code. He even had the Japanese envoys that had a meeting that day in DC, wait until after the attack to deal with them. They were there to tell the US that Japan was declaring war on us. It was neither a sneak attack and unprovoked.
We poked and poked at Japan, until they had no choice. They were embargoed, cut off from rubber sources, and attacked by US military, “loaned” to China.