thank God for us home/private schoolers. and thank you again HSLDA.
Bennett waited until June 30, 2021 [at 74 years old, well past normal senior status age] to assume senior status, thus purposefully giving his open seat to a Biden stooge, Deborah Boardman [confirmed 52 to 48]. Yeah, she's a Lefty stooge.
Case decided before Stephanie Thacker [Obama judge], Pamela Harris [Obama judge] and Allison Jones Rushing[Trump judge].
Three to zero.
The Fourth Circuit’s decision covers Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, so it does not overrule the court in California. However, it sets a strong foundational argument to protect the tax-exempt status of homeschool organizations across the country. And, importantly, the decision strengthens the argument that there is a distinction between a tax credit or tax deduction (either at the state or federal level) and a government program like a voucher or Education Savings Account (ESA).[Emphases mine]