If Jeffries became speaker, would they not try to add a bunch of new legislation with a Dem Senate and POTUS?
Yes Democrats would do that if Hakeem was speaker.
She is wrong that it makes no difference who is speaker.
I know Johnson is too liberal for many on Free Republic, but it does make a difference which party is in control.
If Jefferies becomes speaker they wouldn’t have the votes because the Repukes would have to play the role of opposition and would be gas lighting their constituents into believing they sre against it.
Jeffries is a dedicated Marxist.
When you have Repukes voting with Rats to keep funding endless proxy wars, Repukes voting with Rats to keep FISA, and Rats publicly declaring that they will save Johnson’s a$$, knowing plenty of Repukes will vote with them too, you’ve already lost the GOP majority. Repukes have shown time and time again, that they are willing to roll over for the other side to go along to get along. Trump might get back in the White House, but he’ll have plenty of Repukes willing to stab him in the back again for the next four years.