How do we even know if the bird flu is actually transmitted to humans? Are we supposaed to believe WHO or Fauci or the Democrats? F’em...
...I questioned neuroscience’s intrusive applications of their alleged science when they came up with that covid scam; now they’re developing non-invasive stimulation and talking hallucinogen’s as sedatives at the same time? Just what are their motives behind those applications. Many people don’t know how they took the right to such power from the electorate. Some bureaucrats don’t yet know how to use it efficiently. If they aren’t quick learners they’ll be replaced soon enough.
Watch this video for a few minutes; do you think they’ll be around long?
I don’t think those puppets know what to do next except announce another ten million dollars was donated to fight mis/dis information.
They appear to be the scientist version of Biden.
Where did these people come from?
SSRC is a private foundation based in Brooklyn, NY, that collaborates with the Rockefeller Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Craig Newmark Philanthropies and other private foundations to fund research focused on advancing scientific knowledge about public health guidance. It “fosters innovative research, nurtures new generations of social scientists, deepens how inquiry is practiced within and across disciplines, and mobilizes necessary knowledge on important public issues.”
As far as I’m concerned, the role played by the Rockefellers while reshaping our future has not been widely recognized by the American public; and except for the handful of NGO initiates well versed in the art of double edged benevolence, fewer still understand the role chosen by them.
I don’t remember any request to fight mis/dis information; prior to the explosion of public access to government business via the internet most people believed the gummint.
In 1978, he became the president of Rockefeller University, until he stepped down in 1990…
During a 1986 fact finding mission of the 1979 Soviet Union epidemic of anthrax bacteria… Lederberg sided with Soviets that the anthrax outbreak was from animal to human transmission stating, “Wild rumors do spread around every epidemic.” After the fall of the Soviet Union… subsequent US investigations in the early 1990’s a team of scientists confirmed the outbreak was caused by a release of an aerosol of anthrax pathogen from a nearby military facility.
Well, that is Wikipedia. Anything gets published there. Whoa…wait a minute… what’s this? Bsides me having a little fun?
Dang. For your reading convenience, here’s the story told in big letters
I like to have three sources when the story stretches reality so far.
but this one is so singularly a stretch, yet has what appears to be a legitimacy ranking of the first order, I’ll serve it up unencumbered without any support other than what’s in the story itself.