Yet again they want us to believe that they know how to save us from the made up problem of global warming. Yet again this is a reminder that they can't even make up their minds on what's killing us and what's saving us.
Well, the crappola the treehuggers claimed let in UV light hangs around for decades. Why not this crappola? Here comes a new ice age.
Bill Gates the Psychopath must be shut down
Did they forget all the damage they did removing a Dam , millions of fish gone
The retards that actually believe this crap somehow think the Universe is static. And of course our solar system by extension never, ever changes not even a foot. The behavior of many people regarding the eclipse yesterday was a classic example of the lower IQ of today’s imbecility.
The whole climate change scam was created, and is promoted, solely by the. globalist marxist cabal/RAT party....nothing else. They ARE the “man-made climate change”.
how will this effect the ozone layer?
“Climate change tests: What could go wrong?”
i’ll tell you what can go wrong ... a year after i first moved to colorado, “scientists” were touting their new rain-making experiment: they were “cloud-seeding” by flying planes around dispersing gazillions of microscopic iodine crystals ...
well, they got rain all right, lots of it: it was called the Big Thompson Flood ... and interestingly enough, suddenly there was no more “cloud-seeding” and no more mention of it in the local media, like it had never happened ...