“ Reagan said he wanted to ban it at the state level.”
A) Reagan is dead.
B) He did nothing except make speeches.
I always had contempt for politicians who led on our wonderful pro-life folks by making it seem as if overturning Roe v. Wade would or could end abortion. That was never true, and a lot of them knew they were lying when they said that.
It wasn’t “pro-life” to overturn Roe - it was pro-Constitution and pro-self government. The People want abortions and they will crush any politician or party that seems against it.
All the judges that Trump put in were picked for him by the Federalist Society. Any Republican who won would have picked them.
There was no conservative judicial vetting program when Reagan was president. Also the Republican party was much, much less conservative and Christian in those days so it’s totally unfair to Reagan to make that accusation.