Just another Demoncrat.
Star Chamber time.
The fact that NYC Jews sit around and tolerate this shiite should be unbelievable, but it’s not.
How much does a Colombia “education” cost? This guy, war pig Nuland and war sow Hillary are all teaching there.
UK is rapidly approaching in the USA! The evil religion of pieces has already conquered Britain now the cockroaches are in the beginning stages of conquering the Un-UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
All you need to know about Islam:
1. Mohammed was a pedophile with mental issues.
2. He picked the pagan moon god to worship and named him al-Lah.
3. He hated Jews and anyone else who would not follow is false “religion”.
4. He assembled an army of thugs by promising them they could keep the possessions of those they slew in battle or in their homes.
Does that make me an Islamic scholar too?
“”The Middle East Institute (MEI) is a non-profit, non-partisan think tank and cultural centre in Washington, D.C., founded in 1946.[2] It seeks to “increase knowledge of the Middle East among the United States citizens and promote a better understanding between the people of these two areas.”[3]””
NON PARTISAN!!!! I guess they get to define the meaning of “non-partisan” in addition to “increasing knowledge”. “Better understanding?” Only an idiot could fail to understand what the “OTHER area” stands for!
Is this guy even a citizen?
Parents pay money for their kids education at Columbia? OR do we get to forgive student loans that were paid to Columbia?
Why isn’t every decent parent in the country pulling their kids out of that cesspool along with their alumni contributions?
As always - too many questions without logical answers.
Columbia took the Oil Money a long time age. Dear Alma Mater on the steps to Low has got a throbbing vibrator lubed with middle eastern crude.
Say somehting with even a very faint hint of negativity towards minorities, and the left go ballistic and demand that the person go to re-education camp to “learn to be a better person”
But by golly, if one is a Muslim, and they call for the slaughter of innocent Jews, and celebrate the slaughter of innocent Jews, then nope, no re-education needed because in racist and bigotted liberal la-la land, vile, disgusting and violent rhetoric about Jews is perfectly acceptable!
GOP “should be” demanding that muslims spouting such vile belligerent talk about Jews be sent to re-education camps and told “no, we don’t tolerate hate speech (and then watch the left, who th3mselves won’t tolerate speech that they don’t like, scream their fool brains out about “suppression of speech” and claim that anti-Jewish rhetoric isn’t hate speech like anti-minority speech is-) back them right into a corner!
I am all for free speech and opposing view points.
I’m also all for being fully responsible for your views and actions and that “fighting words” are a very real thing.
End him. Problem solved.
It would be a terrible shame if Mo had an accident. I would be very sad.
He needs a 115 grain, or larger, lead implant in his cranium.
Has he been invited by Joe to the White House yet?
There’s no such thing as a “moslem anarchist.” All this blending of all the things Billy Bob allegedly “hates” (islam, homosexuality, blackness, transgenderism, etc.) is phony and exists only in the “west.” Does anyone think that Tlaib, this guy, and all these other “leftist moslems” would be “anarchist” or pro-”gay” if they were back in the Middle East? They’re just combining all these words to give western lefties an -—asm.
Columbia suspends students for ‘Resistance 101’ where guest speaker had alleged ties to terror group: reports