I do too. But that wasn't because of tribalism in South Viet Nam. They wanted to remain a free state like South Korea. It was because of the micro-management by Johnson and McNamara, and the BS from Cronkite and the peaceniks. May they all rot in hell.
Don't believe me? Cronkite reported the Tet Offensive as a win for the North, when in fact, General Giap said in his own biography that he was ready to pull the plug and end the war after what he considered a failed Tet Offensive. However, since the American anti-war sentiment was expanding, he decided to continue his aggression.
The media was almost in cahoots with the North (they always like leftists!), and the micromanagement from White House was terrible.
Back to Afghanistan, after first wave of attacks in 2001, they spotted Mullah Omar with his entourage somewhere. But they had to get approval from Washington, and when they finally got it, mullah was gone!
At that moment, I knew we will loose again!