“The trajectory of decadence, decay and decline is profound for every Western country. And it can’t be cured by an election win. Even if the candidate is Trump, who is genuinely not part of the Regime.”
And your solution is??
Listening, waiting?
Oh that’s right, the Antifa left and right have no solution other than to burn everything down.
The Antifa left and right don’t work to make things better, support good local school board members, city council members , etc.
They are just hopeless and angry and want to destroy everything.
“. The Antifa left and right don’t work to make things better, support good local school board members, city council members , etc. “
Nope. The one place where people can have an effect is at the local level.
Regime level politics is hopeless.
The Left has captured (or heavily intimidates) every single major institution in the entire West.
Challenge them directly and one will end up like the truckers, or the J6 people. Or like Trump with 91 bogus indictments that corrupt courts go along with.
Basically we are no longer capable of shaping our own future. And have to to rely on an incompetent and dysfunctional regime to finally collapse before we can do anything new.
It’s a bad situation. But BoomerCons spent the last 50 years congratulating themselves for their election “wins” while the Left captured every institution in the country.