This will not end well. The Russians are just now starting their major move of the war. The Ukes are in free fall collapse and now THIS? Before starting that major Russian offensive, they have accumulated the men, weapons and ordinance to see it through. They are as strong as they’ve been in thirty plus years. The election is over and Putin has the mandate to do whatever he feels needs to be done.
“This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.“
Yes, the Russians do not trust NATO, NATO put missiles in Turkey and voila - the Cuban missile crisis. Putin saw NATO engineer a coup in Ukraine and prepare to install missiles there, thus breaking their agreement not to move into Ukraine.
Ukrainians are dieing by the tens of thousands just so people on both sides of the pond can get rich. This situation is one of three flashpoints Biden is involved in - I suspect our luck has run out,
For you, hardfxxked , this will end pretty well.