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To: srmanuel
Anyone with a fundamental understanding of computer networking and how someone gathers packet captures would almost immediately know his claims were a fraud.

I do computer programing and I have designed several versions of packets to be sent through the network.

You cannot tell what my packets are supposed to do without knowing how the source code is using them to transfer information.

Therefore, how can this guy "prove" those were not captured packets conveying election data or election manipulation instructions?

He pulls this bullsh*t argument that the date on the file is after the election, so therefore they cannot be captured packets from the election.

If *YOU* know anything about computer technology, you know the file date just tells you the date *THAT* copy of the file was created.

It does not prove that the original file was on that date, it just proves the copy you've got was made on that date.

This guy is just trying to game the contest with pseudo arguments hoping ignorant people will fall for them, and of course an ignorant Arbitrator and and ignorant Judge fell for them.

41 posted on 03/12/2024 11:29:43 AM PDT by DiogenesLamp ("of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty.")
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To: DiogenesLamp

If you know anything about packet captures and how they are gathered, how would Mike Lindell have access to the necessary communication links or routers to gather that type of information, consider it was supposed to be from China.

There is no possible way Mike Lindell had access to the network routers of Tier 1 ISP providers, like ATT, Verizon, Level One, etc. Even if he did, he would have to have powerful servers to gather terabytes of data in seconds that travel thru the Fiber links that connect the USA to China.

The only organization that I’m aware of that could do that is the NSA and I serious doubt Mike Lindell had access to the NSA and their tools.

43 posted on 03/12/2024 11:42:14 AM PDT by srmanuel ( )
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