That was crossed long a go. The thing is, the people have been dumbed down to the point they don’t GAF. In the State of Alabama, the serfs don’t care a whit about something as their lives as long as they have Alabama football, Nick Saban, and Eli Gold. And the people who wish to destroy them have full knowledge of this. And use it to their fullest advantage. The people who wish to destroy us, to name some are Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros.
**n the State of Alabama, the serfs don’t care a whit about something as their lives as long as they have Alabama football**
That’s a good example of people being distracted while being robbed.
I see it in the masses addiction to every form of the entertainment industry, of which sports is obviously included.
When my farming career was facing destruction under the Cawtuh administration, I soon lost my performance car, music and football addictions, seeing those things couldn’t rescue my career. My mind was mine again, having lost it to those interest during high school. I sold my corvette in the spring of 82, and was not sad at all as it drove away.
Turning to God is always the answer to troubles. Prioritizing God’s way of life for me has opened my eyes to what is truth, what is lies and deception, and what is just a plain ol waste of time.