Let’s put this in perspective:
As of 2023, the United States has approximately 735 billionaires with a combined net worth of around $4.5 trillion.
The total U.S. federal debt stands at $7.0 trillion as of December 2022. This is only debt held by the intragovernmental debt (Socia security, retired fed employees, military personal, Medicare, etc.).
If every billionaire were kind enough to donate $45 billion, this will wipe out the U.S. debt.
As of January 2024, there are 132.5 million full-time employees in the U.S.
Theoretically, each full-time employee would need to equally contribute approximately $249,732.36 to completely pay off the U.S. debt. Obviously, this is a theoretical calculation, and in reality, such a scenario is unlikely due to practical constraints and economic considerations.
Actually, it would do nothing of the sort.
Consider, that one dollar is itself a unit of debt. The FED creates M2 and shrinks M2, and the amount of M2 is way WAY less than the total "national debt", as we know it.
COnsider that the target itself of 2% inflation is in of itself evil usury, and theft of wealth.
Fact is, the national debt will NEVER EVAH be paid back, as the system is built upon it. It ALL must come crashing down, as all fiats have in the past, and a new monetary system come to the rescue. It could be a new fiat system (like non-PM CBDC), and the cycle repeats. Fiats generally last about 200 years, ours is 225 years. PM-backed currencies are still viable 5000 years later.
The total national debt is over $34 trillion!
Every billionaire does not have $45 billion. There are only 17 billionaires in the U.S. worth over $45 billion and why should they consider donating most of their wealth to make barely a dent in this reckless unlawful spending?