Maria now chatting with Kari Lake telling they have "Dinner time Bandits breaking into peoples homes in the suburbs. Hospitals going broke due to illegals sucking up everything and not paying. Biden won't stop border jumpers. Kari says biden does it intentionally.
Maria says cartels are setting up massage parlors as businesses. She says invaders are a foreign army and are here for no good reasons and are funded by NGO's that we donate to.
We fund our own demise.
Every community is at risk, NY, Chicago, Kansas, Iowa,very bad people who will hurt Ameircans coming in says Kari. Kari says much of dc wants the border jumpers to come in Lake says Trump knows kari will go to dc in the Senate \ Lake says without honest elections you do need term limits.
Bingo on term. Too many in it for the long term $$$