Wrong, Hitler and the National SOCIALIST were, indeed, socialists. After the Reichstag fire the Nazis effectively eliminated private property and seized any property that did not confirm to Hitler’s grand scheme of a pure aryan nation. The difference between Hitler’s socialism and Stalin’s socialism is Hitler’s was a racial socialism.
Any business that hired Jews or refused to tow the Nazis line was seized and given to a reliable (party) member.
This is how the Nazis were able to seize all Jewish properties legally.
And the Nazis had a laundry list of social programs that would make any FDR New Deal look like a American small government conservative!
Nazis were the non-Marxist (Jewish / Bolshevik) socialists.
Nazis and Communists are two sides of the same coin.
I tried posting this yesterday based on the video as a VANITY and it was taken down.
Notice the brand new flags they (FBI?) always use?