Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Hamilton for that matter, were all otherwise eligible so did not need to be NBCs.Yet they specified NBCs going forward.
Who is "they," and where did "they" specify your absurd nonsense? There were no fruitloops birther clowns back then. Leo Donofrio has been claimed to be the "Father of the Two Citizen Parents Lie."
The early Presidents did not have two citizen parents.
George Washington, 1789, 1793
Thomas Jefferson, 1801, 1805
James Madison, 1809, 1813
James Monroe, 1817, 1821
Andrew Jackson, 1829, 1834
All born to foreign nationals. The grandfather clause declared as eligible, all those who were citizens at the time of the adoption of the Constitution. NBC never required two citizen parents and neither the Constitution as a whole, nor the qualifications clause, nor the grandfather clause made any reference to parentage.
The grandfather clause applied to those who were not born citizens of the United States, but who became citizens before the adoption of the Constitution. It includes those who were born aliens in a foreign land who immigrated after American independence and who were naturalized by a State before the Constitution was ratified.
Two citizen parents was not a legal requirement in the 18th, 19th, or 20th century, and is not a legal requirement in the 21st century.
There have been plenty of opportunities for the false birther blather requirement of two citizen parents to have been invoked. There is no American century in which a candidate without two citizen parents did not run for President or Vice-President. None has ever been disqualified based on birther blather.
Chester Arthur, 1881, Republican Vice President and later President. Arthur was born to an British subject, Irish citizen father.
Charles Evans Hughes, 1916 Republican nominee, lost to Democrat Woodrow Wilson. Hughes' father was a British subject who never became a U.S. citizen.
Barack Obama, 2009, 2013 Democrat President. Born to a Kenyan father. Determined by court to be a natural born citizen.
Ted Cruz, 2016 Republican candidate. Born in Canada to a Cuban father. Determined by court to be a natural born citizen of the United States.
Bobby Jindal, 2016, Republican candidate, born in the United States to two Indian parents.
Marco Rubio, 2016, Repuiblican candidate, born in the United States to two Cuban parents.
Kamala Harris, 2020, Democrat Vice President. Born in the United States to two foreign nationals.
Nimrata "Nikki" Haley, 2024 Republican candidate, born in the United States to two foreign nationals.
Vivek Ramaswamy, 2024 Republican candidate, born in the United States to two foreign nationals.
Chester Arthur, 1881, Republican Vice President and later President. Arthur was born to an British subject, ****Irish citizen father****.
Nobody knew this until an Arthur biographer dug up Williams’ New York State naturalization paperwork over 150 years later.
Even the biographer didn’t really know what he had discovered until Donofrio came across his find.
You are most definitely gaslighting now.
Who is “they,”
Washington, Hamilton, and Madison,for starters.
With the NBC requirement they inserted at John Jay’s prompting, they placed the padlock on POTUS eligibility, ensuring no foreign influence once the founding generation (none of whom were NBCs) had died off.