All right, another resident TDSer chimes in
Good evening Jim, I sincerely hope you’re doing well, and having a wonderful new year.
I would offer that I am not suffering from TDS, but simply do have legitimate concerns about Trump from a conservative perspective.
If he truly said we “just have to live with Presidents who cross the line” then I can’t help but be opposed to what he appears to be inferring.
Is he saying that we have to live with Biden crossing the line, or him crossing the line?
Highest Regards,
Golden Eagle
All right Sir, I went back and very carefully read what Trump actually said, several times, and he is saying that we should be accepting of ALL Presidents crossing the line, at their discretion, so that they can operate freely and unencumbered, as they see fit in the accomplishment of their work, or what they perceive as their work.
Personally, I reject that mindset, and find it dangerous to a Republican form of government. This is exactly how I expect the Supreme Court to rule on the appeal as well.
No one, not even the President, should be given blanket, eternal immunity. That would simply result in near immediate abuse of the privilege, and why it was not explicitly granted in the Constitution, per my reading and understanding.
I respectfully submit this to you for consideration, and assure you that any and all concerns that I have about Trump, that caused me to withdraw my strong support of him roughly one year ago, are from a very strict, and strong, conservative belief system. God Bless.
Thanks for making note of that Jim.