What about undeclared voters?
Undeclared voters are able to vote and must choose either a Democratic or Republican ballot at the time of voting. Keep in mind that voting on a party ballot will make you a registered member of that party unless you fill out a card or sign a list to return to undeclared status before leaving the polling place.
>>>The above is from WMUR and pretty much corroborates what I heard and read, which is especially pertinent for the coming January 23rd primary when Brandon’s absence from the ballots does in fact OPEN the opportunity for dems to create mischief.
With essentially NO democratic candidates slated, the likelihood that the rats will want to vote for somebody other than Trump is far too enticing to resist.
Moreover, the aforementioned rules for basically temporary registration/declaration fosters meddling.
I interpret “open primary” to mean that any registered voter can present himself at the polling place and choose either a Republican or Democrat ballot. No switching of parties required. You cannot do that in New Hampshire unless you were undeclared in the first place.
As for WMUR-TV, I don’t trust their political advice. They give me the impression that Chris Sununu is a great governor. He’s not. Look at his endorsement of Nikki Haley.
You have to jump through hoops to switch party affiliation in New Hampshire. Most of the Democrats I know are too lazy to follow that procedure to cause trouble in a primary election.
I forgot to mention in my comment above that I consider Adam Sexton a decent political reporter on WMUR. He plays it straight down the middle.