How much cash does Crispy clear from dopey donors?
Awww, when he was just starting to gain some steam... Not!
UH, OH!!
Consolidation of the NeverTrump vote, endorsing Birdbrain and working in cahoots with Sununu.
Been worried over how PDJT has basically been neglecting NH and doesn’t plan a campaign stop until after Iowa next Tuesday.
Doesn’t help either that NH is an open primary and motivated Rats will be engaged in “Operation Chaos,” as the great Rush Limbaugh would say, considering Brandon isn’t on the ballot.
Donated Donor Doughnuts ran out.
That’s a big drop. Ignore all earthquake detection readings around 5PM. Notify Krispy Kreme of the uptick in production, and KFC to have plenty more on hand.
Big Woop! He’s nothing but a loud mouthed organized crime mob mofo anyway.
He ought to drop out of the HUMAN race.
He’s starring as Ralph Kramden on the Honeymooners movie remake. /s
Major sinkhole alert!
He won’t drop out. He’ll ‘suspend’ so he can keep using whatever campaign donations he’s taken in. Look for him to keep being a problem and still in there making as much trouble as he can while living it up on the donation money he still has.
His only gig is ABCNews 'commentatortot', his only income that is visible is ABCNews and whatever NJ is paying him, and the only reason he even got into the race is to continue all of the above, and now he's 'made news' -- albeit maybe for one cycle -- that will get him invited back to the green room in the ABCNews DC studio where the donuts must be stuffed with something that makes Fatty Fartbuckle happy.
But here's the thing -- why is it only O'Keefe on the conservative side who has the willingness to gotcha someone like Mrs. Fatty, who should be asked, "What is it like to be married to a landwhale? How does he not crush you?"
This was obvious 2 months ago. He’ll also endorse Birdbrain. Tip NH to her? Maybe
When the stink of a fart fades in a room most people don’t make speeches about it. The fat, leftist, globalist f**k Christie needs to just go away like the stink he is.
If he drops will that equal a 6 on the earthquake scale
Look out below!!!!!!!
"Tsunami warning! Tsunami warning!"