You misread it.
When you don’t like the relationship you move on, and that should apply to women as well, you don’t stick around until you feel it is time to murder the other person by shooting them or tossing gasoline on them while they sleep, or kill them because you carried the game so far that the two of you are literally in a fight to the death and a coroner is required to haul away the loser.
There is abuse, and there is the abuse industry.
Many, if not most, women who are abused get little or no benefit from the abuse industry. They don’t want to use it, their boyfriends know just how to manipulate it, or they don’t want their boyfriends to get in trouble, or they want to get back to their boyfriends.
On the other hand, mean and abusive women know just how to use the system for purposes of vindication or divorce, and innocent and naive men who get sucked into it, who have trust in the system, get chewed up by it.