“In 48 Arabs including a lot of Christian were displaced”
Sirhan Sirhan’s family being one. People often assume that he’s Muslim but he’s an Arab Christian.
They can be just as sullen as the Muslim variety, Orange County having a growing population of both. The Wealth of Diversity courtesy of the uniparty. And somehow people wonder why California votes the way that it does.
I Mississippi we got the early ones
Christian Arabs
Always referred to as Lebanese or Syrian
Daud anglicized to David
Malouf obviously
Simon or Shamoun
Louis anglicized from Elias
Thomas anglicized from its Aramaic origin
I knew quite a few and they settled in the delta post bellum as merchants though a few had filtered in prior to The War
They are fully assimilated and mostly catholic
The women are usually pretty like the David twins I knew in west Jax or a Louis girl I knew who’s daddy was a doc she was adorable and a good friend
A KD ole miss
I liked them in general
Duck hunted with Maloufs
I grew up with Iupes and simons in large families in my hood
Greeks were similar
And Italians in Dixie too
Merchants esp food and bev and haberdashery
Chinese also did well in the delta but didn’t assimilate like the whites so much
We just viewed them as peers usually more olive
Mom called them Syrians or Lebanese and rumor had it her Thomas family may have had one
They were swarthy but it Doesn’t show on my sons ancestry com
Ulster scots
A bit of danelaw and French
In other words typical FFV southern white