My being a manic depressive made life a living hell for her.
I'll never understand why God would let me be hit with something that made our vows be broken. I loved her, with all my heart, second only to God.
She remarried, had some kids I heard. The kind of family I always wanted to have. But was denied by my own mind turned against itself.
Things have gotten better in that regard. Until the economy took a huge turn downward I was helping others with severe mental illness, so that they might have a better time dealing with their diagnoses than I did. I spent three and a half years as a mental health professional, and would still be doing that if Trump was still president.
I'm a very broken man, looking for one woman who would not only love God more than me, but could abide my quirks and weaknesses.
And that seems downright impossible to find.
Yes, you have been given a hard road. I have some understanding of your situation.
There is hope...did you see...after 52 years a mate was found. It can happen.