Larry Johnson wouldn’t know truth if it slapped him upside the head.
Since at least 1999, the twat has been delusionally downplaying the threat of Islamic terrorism. In 1999 on PBS he claimed that the threat posed by Osama bin Laden was overblown. Now, that’s a year after al Qaeda bombed two US embassies and killed hundreds. That’s a year before al Qaeda blew a hole in the side of the USS Cole and half a year before they almost blew a hole in the hull of the USS The Sullivans. He called warnings about the rising threat of Islamism and al Qaeda “crying wolf.”
The dumbass even played down the Islamist threat a couple months before 911 in an article for the NY Times - July 10, 2001:
“...Americans are bedeviled by fantasies about terrorism. They seem to believe that terrorism is the greatest threat to the United States .... they almost certainly have the impression that extremist Islamic groups cause most terrorism .... None of these beliefs are based in fact.”
Larry is also knoen as a promoter of a scumbag named Joseph Wilson, the late former ambassador to Gabon, known for his tea-swilling vacation in Niger trying to run interference for Saddam Hussein, cuddling up to Hillary Clinton’s uranium mine ambitions, and for being the spouse of the now also deceased silly aas Global Zero promoter Valerie Plame, who we were told was a super dooper “deep cover” pregnant CIA spy (seeking to run for office out west).
Now, none of this foreign agentlike behavior on the part of Larry should surprise us, since he has been a writer blowing snow for Russia Today as well as getting published in the NyTimes.... he runs the same circles as Ray McGovern’s VIPS.
Here’s the version that Larry Johnson got probably got this article from: Try to find something wrong with these authors...