You and your ilk have already let the *country go to hell” because you don’t like mean tweets and Orange Man Bad. You and your ilk are tiresome.
I thought his old “mean tweets” were kind of funny, and I don’t criticize someone’s looks, so I think you are confusing me with someone else.
That being said, I won’t vote for a man who:
Turned over the country, the economy, physical and mental health to Fauci.
Cannot articulate a vision for the future without misreading a teleprompter, whining about being picked on, or lying about his opponents.
Put us trillions more in debt, which started even before covid.
Will work with anyone who kisses his ring, including people like Pelosi.
Enjoys wandering through women’s dressing rooms and thinks it’s ok for men to use women’s private facilities.
He is almost 80. He will not suddenly become an inspirational leader citizens will follow. He has never won a majority, and most likely never will. The leaders in conservative media and politics only support him because he’s their meal ticket.