Only liberal-controlled systems, can those in charge fail miserably, and not suffer any consequences.
Google will not allow a search of I Suport Publik Skools bumper stickers.
Keeps correcting it as if Google knows best.
They don’t know 💩.
Those bumper stickers used to be advertised in the back pages of National Review. They existed.
Remember in New York, not only the hapless students but the teachers often failed reading tests.
State officials voted to make it easier to become a New York state teacher on Monday by knocking off one of the state’s main teacher certification requirements. Prospective teachers will no longer have to take the Academic Literacy Skills Test, an exam designed to measure reading and writing ability.Mar 13, 2017
Test for teacher literacy ditched in New York State
May 25, 2021 — Once again a standardized test—this time for certification as a New York State teacher—has been eliminated.
At its April 2022 meeting, the New York State Board of Regents voted to modify the teacher performance assessment requirement for certification by eliminating the edTPA requirement for certification.
I can’t be the only one thinking it’s all the illegals in Chicago that brought the GPA up.
1. In HELLINOIS it's near IMPOSSIBLE to flunk a student. Thanks to school administrators, the hoops a teacher has to go through to flunk a student are so many, and the burden so high, most teachers don't bother.
2. The reason kids are below national average and recovering slower is due to the dumbed down testing in the schools. Here again, it's damn' near impossible to give a kid a failing grade. School Administrators don't want to deal with the parents complaining that their little Johnnie isn't the problem, the teacher is.
3. Related to #2 above, many teachers have quit teaching, while still being in the classroom. Work is handed out, kids are supposed to 'figure it out on their own' then ask questions. They're told to 'work in groups' to solve problems. Teachers grade the 'work product' generously.
4. Parents. Let's be honest: most don't give a damn'. There it is. Have at it.
Gosh, they showed they were brainy types by this:
“Following Bill Clinton’s election in 1992, and his victory in Illinois, the state has been realigned in favor of Democratic candidates for president, with eight consecutive wins by that party, regardless of the national outcome.”
Sounds like a bunch of smart people in Illinois./S🤪😜🤪🎓🎓🎓🎓
Only 27% proficiency in math, so 73% don’t know if two thirds not meeting reading proficiency is a good thing or a bad thing.