Thanks for your honest, if disturbing, response. We all know what you are now.
I am now convinced that vast majority of people who have legally emigrated here since 1965 and from non-European countries are infinitely more deserving of American citizenship than you.
Why am I disturbing though?
President Coolidge authorized immigration quotas from traditional Northern and Western European nations. He wanted to protect American workers and their wages. The Hart-Cellar Act, advocated by Jewish Jacob Javits who has a center named after him, completely destroyed the fabric of America.
I am now convinced that vast majority of people who have legally emigrated here since 1965 and from non-European countries are infinitely more deserving of American citizenship than you.
But they're moving to the U.S. and complaining about the U.S. though. They're not learning about our Constitution or even learning English. They are here to infiltrate and divide this country. I don't want that. And again, that doesn't imply hatred or anything. I want Whites to have the right to live peacefully among themselves. Diversity, Multicultralism, etc. are total scams.