Posted on 10/28/2023 4:53:44 PM PDT by MinorityRepublican
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said she has been keeping in touch with Arabic and Muslim countries with the goal of preventing a clash of civilizations, as the West sides with Israel while it carries out indiscriminate attacks on hospitals, mosques, churches, refugee camps and more.
Meloni reiterated that her government stands with Israel and fully supports its right to self-defense, during a speech to the Senate, according to a statement by her office.
She denounced the Palestinian resistance group Hamas for starting the current phase of the Israeli-Palestine conflict and warned about anti-Semitism.
But Meloni added the right to self-defense should be exercised in line with international law.
"And all those on the right side of this confrontation must work together to prevent an escalation of the conflict.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
They’ll just laugh at this woman the lower class
All those high-level diplomatic discussions with the Nazis before WWII accomplished nothing but making the situation worse and worse.
If she's smart, she'll let his Foreign Minister to do all the talking with the Arabs.
Just talking with Islam doesn’t work. They will only listen when they’ve been beaten.
Israel has exercised its “right to self-defense” since its founding and what has being on constant defense that gotten it? One vicious attack on it over and over and over. At this point, the “right to self-defense” must begin to mean the complete and utter destruction of Hamas.
Just a teeny bit of bias here.
Hamas needs to disarm.
“Islam is a religion of Peace.” -W
The West should treat Mooselimbs the same way that Islamist treat Jews and Christians. /spit
“talking with Islam doesn’t work”
WOWA dude ..... you haven’t been reading HISTORY have you ?
I don’t think that is allowed any more.
..... just kidding...
I have a hard time understanding how people can not see that this is just the same thing mooslimps have done for ever.
It’s what they do .. They tell us it’s what they do.
They do it over and over.
I think we should take them at their word ...
Lies, lies, and damn lies.
It can’t be avoided.
Muslims clash with every civilization and when there are no infidels to clash with, they clash with each other.
They are incapable of getting along with ANYONE.
It took the Spaniards 700 years to kick out the Muslims out of Spain.
I think the French have some fight in them so they are going to have to battle the Muslims in their country.
It may be too late for Sweden and England. There's no fight left among the natives in those countries.
If there’s a clash of civilizations, we must win it.
I think think “the west”, including the US Biden regime only says they they support Israel. That is so they can keep Israel from acting in their best interests.
Most of these western countries would dump on Israel in a heartbeat if Israel ignored them.
Look at the streets all over the place. Hamas did the attacking and people support the attackers.
To win this clash, the West had better realize that this is clash of Religions; or, more to the point, a clash between
Islam and not-Islam.
The West spent years trying to appease Hitler before standing up to him.
Right now, we are trying to appease Islam.
I just watched a YouTube video whose point is that Italy is demographically doomed. It has one of the lowest birthrates in the world. More Italians are dying than being born. The Italian population is shrinking every year and it is getting boat loads of replacements from primarily Muslim nations.
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