I'm a former Marine and have had my battles with weight. I never claimed it was because I was too muscular. If you fall outside the height/weight charts they break out the tape measure and calculate your body fat percentage. It takes 5 minutes and if it turns out it really is because of musculature then they write you a waiver and send you on your way.
Most people claiming they're muscular as a reason are full of crap.
I was in the Marines as well. I was two pounds obese. 5’7” and 165 pounds. I wore small shorts tops and bottoms. They did a body fat test on me and I had 12% body fat.
I did not do any extra weight lifting. Just the regular PT.
“Most people claiming they’re muscular as a reason are full of crap.”
I don’t disagree, but there are outliers like the driver I talked about. Some people, like myself, put on weight because of medication. I was on simvestaten for cholesterol. After years of taking it I had to quit because it was putting my neuropathy into overdrive. I also started losing weight.
I didn’t realize one of the side effects was weight gain. I’ve dropped thirty pounds just by going off the statin. Makes me wonder how many other people have that problem.
Then there are the lard asses who won’t get off the couch for any reason.