Posted on 10/11/2023 5:39:35 PM PDT by george76
The current conflict between the Jewish State and the Muslims of Gaza is in no small part fueled by the tenets of Islam. Islam hates Jews. It hates Christians. It hates Baha’i. It hates … all non-Muslims. Non-Muslim Muslim apologists beware -- you're next, even if you are too stupid and naïve to see it coming.
Islam is a cult. :
Absolute authoritarianism without accountability.
Zero tolerance for criticism or questions.
A belief that former followers are always wrong for leaving and there is never a legitimate reason for anyone else to leave (apostacy is punishable by death).
Followers feeling they are never able to be “good enough” (Muhammed is considered the “perfect man” and is to be emulated).
there is reason to consider another factor at work in the current war in Israel – the 12th Imam.
Shia Islam's origins can be traced to a belief in the rightful leadership of Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad. Shiites believe that Ali should have been the immediate successor to the Prophet, as they argue that he was divinely appointed. They also believe in a line of twelve Imams, with the twelfth Imam being in occultation and expected to return as the Mahdi.
Iran is ruled by a Shia Muslim theocracy. The Shia believe in the existence of the 12th Imam. He is a big deal to them.
To paraphrase BLM and other racists, “No Islam, no peace.”
Belief in the messianic return of the Twelfth Imam distinguishes Shia from Sunni Islam and influences Iranian national identity and politics, including the ideology of its Islamic Revolution.
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The world will be a much better place without the backwards death cult known as iSlime!
The article says the mahdi will reveal himself with Jesus at his side. From my reading and talking to muslims (I know many) they believe that the mahdi will return when there is chaos on earth i.e. world war. And yes acoording to them Jesus will be at his side to Break The Cross and bring all the Christians to Islam.
I laugh when they tell me this. And yes, I still have my head.
No oath matters to moslems because of al Taqiyya and Kitman.
What Islam needs is for some brave soul to nail 95 theses to the mosque door. Christianity has been tempered by both the Reformation and the Enlightenment. Islam is mired in 7 th century tribalism. Islam cannot free itself from these tribal beliefs and tolerates every murderous excess if it somehow brings on an Islamic world state. It is worth noting that many Muslim organizations are either silent or tacitly support the Hamas savagery
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