FTA——“There is no Ukrainian offensive anymore, but the White House and the American media have to keep the lie going. “The truth is if the Ukrainian army is ordered to continue the offensive, the army would mutiny. snip “Major elements of the Ukrainian army, without declaring so, virtually canceled the offensive,” Hersh reports.
“The two villages that the Ukrainian army recently claimed as captured are so tiny that they could fit between two Burma-Shave signs,” the source said.
Something is going on. I don’t know what. I read that Soros has moved Victoria Nuland from Ukraine to Africa. Supposedly to invest in “Alternate Energies”. Victoria Nuland has never invested in any thing but war, dissension , destruction, and mayhem in her life. Trouble follows where ever she goes. She may have been sent to Africa to see what she can stir up. The “Alternate Energy” she is investing in are AK47s, RPGs, pedestal mounted machine guns to be mounted in the beds of pick up trucks, pick up trucks to mount machine guns in the bed. Whether they smell a rat, or something has happened in Ukraine is food for thought. What is significant is some say she is in Africa. And nothing good happens where ever she goes.