damn 19th
Exactly. The decline of this country started with that. Women generally (certainly not all) vote their feelings, which means a government that takes care of them like daddy or a husband, with little thought as to 2nd and 3rd order effects on the economy or foreign/defense policies; men generally (again, certainly not all) tend to vote logically and with an eye toward what men see as being important - the economy and a strong foreign/defense policy. On th foreign/defense policy front, our adversaries over the last century or so (and at ore do) are highly male-dominated and prey on our weakness. As the saying goes, “Good times produce weak men, weak men produce bad times” - and what are women (politically speaking) if not weak men (in addition to the beta males, that is)?
This isn’t to say that there aren’t some incredibly sensible women, who think with their heads and not their emotions, or who are at least very open to learning a different POV. My wife is one, as is my daughter. They are very traditional and understand better than their peers that the economy has to have some discipline akin to a family budget, and that weakness invites aggression (both regarding nations and individuals). They understand that most other women are, politically speaking, idiots (their words, not mine).