For nearly 90 years, from the election of FDR in 1932 to the election of Trump in 1916, swamp sickness spread slowly yet inexorably. No one realized, and that included Trump especially, that the sickness had become so extensive and intensive. From that day to this the Congress of the United States has been the playpen of stupid and inept leaders.
But who wanted to accept the fact that a nation of freedom loving people had become a nation run by utterly corrupt, power-hungry and venal politicians? People should have known that when such feckless, immoral individuals like Schumer and the Turtle were able to achieve power — and were accepted by their members — this nation was sick, dreadfully sick. Trump flashed a bright light on the dismal swamp, and the American people who are still sentient can see our nation for what it is. Is it salvageable? The next election will tell.
Is it salvageable? The next election will tell.
Depends upon how you define ‘SALVAGEABLE’ imo.
The voting population of this country is changing
rapidly from years in the past. New inhabitants,
multiple races, different objectives, greater use
of gov’t funding, etc. etc. etc. More of “share
the wealth approach”. Take from some share
with others. jmo
All the result of America turning from God.