Posted on 08/06/2023 5:52:24 AM PDT by george76
The Christian Bible is composed of both the Old Testament and the New Testament; not because Christians simply pay homage to the Word that preceded Christ’s arrival and the subsequent birth of Christianity, but because both the Old and New Testaments are entwined.
The New Testament neither represents a departure from nor a revision of God’s Old Testament laws and faith. Rather it represents a fulfillment and reaffirmation of the promises made before. Jesus Christ Himself wasn’t a Christian, but a Jew and the son of God. In America, our Constitution and Declaration share a similar relationship.
Just as the New Testament doesn’t erase the Old Testament or render it obsolete, our U.S. Constitution neither erases nor renders our Declaration of Independence obsolete. Our Constitution builds upon the foundation set forth in the Declaration and fulfills the principals enshrined in that body of work.
While the Declaration lays out the reasons, rights, and justifications for our dissolution from Great Britain and abolishment of the monarchy, the Constitution lays out the legal framework for the Nation formed to replace it — an entirely new and independent country conceived to reject tyranny, insulate itself from devolving into a tyranny such as it replaced, and to institute laws that regulated, limited, and reigned in the governing rather than the governed.
Our Constitution and Declaration — taken together — codify a very unique and fundamental tenet of Americanism; namely the principle of the ‘consent of the governed.’
Democrats lied about George Floyd’s death to instigate violent riots
The Biden administration routinely lies about the state of the economy
lie about the state of the border, claiming it isn’t open even while they facilitate the unprecedented invasion of our Southern border.
staring at the face of despotism once again.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Consent of the governed? Looks to me like a lot of folks going right along with the madness. So there’s that.
This article is kind of a banana republic test. If the writer is not visited soon by the IRS and who knows what other agencies, and doesn’t have his bank accounts closed or seized, the bananas are still ripening.
Buy weapons and ammo, folks. Just do it.
I haven’t given up on this country yet, but if we cannot even know there is an issue (and sadly, most of the country doesn’t yet know there IS an issue) must less face it, I won’t have to give up on my country.
It will give up on me.
In any case, preparation is wise.
We allowed it.
There are ways to establish popular consent besides the election fetish, which appears to be at a dead end.
The Far-left government has adopted the old Soviet Union motto. “Say anything you like! Just don’t say anything you don’ like.”
The government we have today is accepted. It would be replaced otherwise. But that would require too much effort and too much careful thought. It might also require organized force of arms and a risk of terrible losses.
The government we have today is increasingly non-functional. That is because it is not actually directing efforts towards the nominal goals of a peaceful civil society. The real goals are quite different.
The government we have today is illegitimate - at least to some of us. That is because it has devolved into an organized criminal enterprise which is looting most of the population for the benefit of various minority factions. There is no real upper limit to the demands for more swag, except the impending collapse of the national economy under such predation. "Things that cannot continue, don't".
A significant plurality of the population wants a government that they believe they can use to force "others" to do what they want them to do. Or they want a government that will give them "free stuff" - taken by force from unspecified "others".
The government we have right now is perfectly acceptable to them. They refuse to believe they might ever be targeted as part of the "others" that are subject to oppression and looting at their whims. It is a disastrous mistake, but they will never learn or change. You can bet your life on that - and you are.
Leaders chosen by free elections and life under a uniform rule of laws are most definitely not what they want. That is the root of our problems. How that conflict can be settled is an open question.
"We have met the enemy, and he is us." (Walt Kelly, Pogo Comic Strip, 1970)
I suggest you study history. What happened as the roman empire fell? What happened in countries controlled by the british empire as it fell? Look at britain now. Same goes for the ottoman empire. Look at Turkey and the middle east now. Austria Hungary empire...look at germany, the balkans and ukraine now.
These are examples of a US future. The US will fracture into regional states. I expect many of those states will be outright communist dictator governments.
I guess Diversity wasn't their strength.
IRS or FBI. flip a coin.
America beginning with 13 Colonies, like Christ and His 12, and growing to 50 states, like the New Testament Church grew at 50 days, has a Divine Providence that should excite people of faith.
Or scare the hell out of them because it is tracking exactly what’s been predicted from the Old and New Testament scriptures..
The mileage can vary from person to person, though..
Well. That came across as a fairly insulting and condescending way to put it, but I also understand you don't know me, but I will accept your "suggestion" at face value as I assume you meant to convey it, and not that you think I am ignorant of it.
It is my observation that the only thing as bad or even worse than discounting the examples of history as is standard operating procedure of the Left, is blindly accepting that those examples cannot be avoided, as far too many people do on both the Left and the Right.
It was not meant to be insulting. If history is our guide, the United States will end. There is nothing to have faith in and to use your words, the country “will give up” on you. It is inevitable. No country or society in human history has lasted indefinitely.
The questions to be answered are when will it end, what form will replace it, and are the people affected by the demise of the US ready for that change.
These questions are why I posted my original note to buy weapons and other words, prepare.
It ended on the 15th day of 2 weeks to flatten the curve.
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