Hybrid vehicle fires ranked first with 3474.5 fires per 100,000 vehicle sales (16,051 fires). Next came ICE cars with 1520.9 fires per 100,000 sales (199,533 fires). BEVs were at the very bottom of this calamity heap with only 25.1 fires per 100,000 vehicle sales (52 fires).
It’s not just fires.
It’s everything associated with these damn things.
More ideas from Deep State that are so good they have to be mandated.
BTW, a question: What’s the protocol for putting out an EV fire...?
If you don’t know the answer to that and know any firefighters, have a chat.
And prepare to have your ears burned.
Hybrid vehicle fires ranked first with 3474.5 fires per 100,000 vehicle sales (16,051 fires). Next came ICE cars with 1520.9 fires per 100,000 sales (199,533 fires). BEVs were at the very bottom of this calamity heap with only 25.1 fires per 100,000 vehicle sales (52 fires).
How many ICE vehicles spontaneously combusted, ignoring negligent maintenance? Please Cite.