“If Moscow had not been actively occupying and invading countries all around it after WW2...”
Sure am glad the US doesn’t have a history of imperialism, expansion, and invading foreign countries (even countries on the other side of the planet).
Funny thing is that all those countries which the US has, er, “interacted” with somehow generate millions of people who want to become Americans.
The Russians...
If American acted like Muskovy does, we’d have occupation forces from the Mexican border all the way to Brazil.
Actually, we don't. Imperialism and expansion hasn't been part of how we operate as a Country any time in the last Century. Engaging in combat in other Countries due to war, but not a war of expansion to keep and hold territory, doesn't count as that is NOT what Russia is doing.
So that makes it okay, pretty sure Soviet Union and China kept Vietnam and Korean War going
Pit calling kettle black
Also explain drone attacks on Ukrainian cities and bridges is “ fine” Ukrainian drones attack Russian bridge and moscow it’s TERRORISM