I had wondered about some of Beck’s lectures on his TV show. But when he brought up some thing about a debunked archeological find in the US of some “biblical” artifact, that turned me off completely. Luckily he was going to stop his show soon anyway, so I didn’t miss much of the good stuff. But it was like Debbie Schlussel and WND - now I don’t know I can trust them.
“But it was like Debbie Schlussel and WND - now I don’t know I can trust them.”
You have to learn to filter out the BS/crap and retain the truth/accurate stuff. The trick is knowing the difference.
I think most of the time, with me, it’s a matter of what I deem critical to securing our future freedom in America. And every time...with me... that equates to anything that is anti-Globalist, anti-Marxist, anti-leftist ....ie anti-Democrat.