>> he’s taken the hard road of fighting Trump
“The hard road of fighting Trump”. Yeah right. What makes it a hard road, Eagle? I’ll tell you what: President Trump has traveled that road, and RdS has not. And Trump has talent and almighty favor in that endeavor. And RdS has no talent or experience there.
No, actually, RdS has shown that he’s a low-discernment idiot when attempting to play in the national arena. His ego has gotten in the way of what he knows to be right. He needs to stay in Florida — a state he can manage, with a nice friendly legislature. He’s too immature for national prime time, let alone protecting and advancing the US position in a world full of danger.
Dealing with Trump’s army of supporters, some of whom have been compared to exhibiting a cult-like devotion. As well as the attacks of the mainstream press who often say DeSantis is worse than Trump himself, due to his hardline social conservative positions, and lifestyle, that are well to the right of Trump.
His ego has gotten in the way of what he knows to be right.
Completely wrong, which you should admit if you honestly reflect. DeSantis’s ego is pint size when compared to Trump, who is often compared to a narcissist. How many people live in ridiculous gold plated rooms like he has in Trump Tower, or hang pictures on the wall of fake Time magazine covers picturing themselves falsely? That is an ego for the ages. Meanwhile, DeSantis volunteered his life serving this country in the military, and works every day to advance true conservative principles.