Should a gay web designer be compelled by the state to design a website for a counseling service that helps people overcome same-sex attractions?
Should an Orthodox Jewish web designer be compelled by the state to design a website for Jews for Jesus?
Should an atheist web designer be compelled by the state to design a website called “Answering Atheism”?
Should a trans-identified web designer be compelled by the state to design a website on the dangers of hormone therapy and sex-change surgery?
Should a Muslim web designer be compelled by the state to design a website for a meat service specializing in pork products?
Should an African American web designer be compelled by the state to design a website selling Confederate flags?
Should a Christian web designer be compelled by the state to design an “Adultery Hookup” website?
Should any web designer be compelled by the state to design a pornography website?
Its noticeable that these lawsuits seemingly only target one religion.
The list is endless. Should a Jewish web designer be required to create a site for a Neo-Nazi group?
Of course, the left only knows how to distort perceptions and appeal to emotions without reason.
I remember, years ago, making these same points. It has nothing to do with the _person_, it has everything to do with the _content_.