If Russia were to defeat the whole of Ukraine (not likely), then I’d say some eastern Warsaw pact countries may come under Russian influence again, and don’t care. Not a fan of debt, debauchery, or child mutilation, so not going to lay it on the line for western democratic values. Just not into risking mine or my children’s lives so the international finance cabal can expand the nations they control. Best option now is to make a deal, which may include Crimea and Donbas to Russia. Be done with it, save young lives, there is nothing good to fight for here.
But there is something evil to fight against here: Resurgent Russian imperialism!
The Russian Federation - America's preeminent geopolitical enemy - must not be allowed to win.
Other than that: Your non-sequitur references to child mutilation etc. invoke the "False Dilemma Fallacy."
Namely: My desire to see Russian imperialism tamped down in no way lessens my concern for other injustices going on in our country.