“Whether such things will be successful THIS TIME, I find it fascinating that various instances of “walk away” are being seen all across society, as church denominations schism by essentially political lines, businesses are being informally boycotted in so many ways, and conservative voices in local school board elections are having their effect. More examples may be seen. The political Left is moving so far Left that Democrats are leaving, one by one, including ex-elected Democrats, with a few still in office crossing party lines. People walk away. It is an excellent, “small” strategy, akin the the Smith notion of “invisible hands.””
The nation’s people are “self-sorting”. Everyone wants to make sure they are on “their” side of the chasm before the gap becomes so deep and so wide there is no chance of it ever again coming together.
Do you really think the Oregon legislature will allow electoral votes to go away and thereby turn red? They look at the big picture better than we do.
A very functional and clear-meant phrase. Thanks. I am gonna use it!