Posted on 05/31/2023 12:22:17 PM PDT by dynachrome
Many Chicago Ridge residents say "Ridgefest" is like their vacation right here at home.
Ridgefest has been around for over 30 years, but in the last couple of days, the village board decided to cancel the event, citing safety concerns.
Chicago Ridge Mayor Charles Tokar said the board voted unanimously to cancel the fest, which would've included live music, carnival rides and nearly 20 vendors.
The move comes a few weeks after hundreds of teens were seen fighting at a carnival in Tinley Park. The Chicago Ridge village board – and residents – felt local police may not be prepared to handle any potential chaos.
"It breaks my heart. I heard other things were canceled, and I wondered where do we go from here?" asked Cheryl Murphy, a Chicago Ridge resident.
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Ruining EVERYTHING....
We aren’t allowed to say black youth, Negro youth, African-American youth, etc. We aren’t allowed to make any reference to race or ethnicity of the troublemakers.
We are allowed to say “teens” and make reference to apparent ages of the perpetrators, but not any other characteristics.
As long as the police are defunded, it’s all good.
They are saying it, without saying it.
"It breaks my heart. I heard other things were canceled, and I wondered where do we go from here?" asked Cheryl Murphy, a Chicago Ridge resident.
It's all part of the plan to eliminate anything that gives us identity and social and cultural cohesion.
It's part of fundamentally transforming America into something that no longer unifies Americans.
If that woman has been voting Dem (I'll bet she has) and continues to do so, she is one stupid bitch and, "from here", deserves whatever a feral does to her.
They are saying it, without saying it.
That’s a shame. People need those fun, harmless times together, outside of their isolated homes.
The pack of ‘locusts’ has left the area almost barren of joy and pleasure. This will only stop and stay stopped when met by a solid, harsh wall of Law Enforcement and jailing.
That has to include juveniles, who are quite capable of creating mayhem.
What they call the perps is their choice to make. I can and will use whatever words I want. Too many of us are timid. Maybe my age and crankiness are showing, I dunno.
Well to be honest, Biden did warn us about those white supremacists.
There’s nothing wrong with saying black teens.
I imagine in Illinois, being a one-party, government union, fascist state - public gathering needs permission from various state agencies, particularly security agencies. For a relative large gathering like a town fair, likely a Dept. of Homeland Security audit is needed also.
The State and DHS will then TELL YOU how many police you have to hire (and pay for), as well as give requirements on security.
The bureaucracy and costs are increasingly burdensome, and if the town doesn’t have the time, management staff, or expected revenue to cover the costs - its simply not worth it.
Wall off Chicago, NY, LA, Detroit, New Orleans, Atlanta... a few others, too.
Put 50’ electrified fences around them. Make it like “Escape from New York” with Snake Plisskin, and just forget about them.
Agreed. Back when I was one of DC’s finest vice cops, the Department switched from ‘Negro’ to ‘Black’. With caps.
The octopus left has many terrorist arms.
Well at the rate THEY’RE throwing around ‘white Supremacists’ these days I figure we need to come up ‘with black somethingaruther’ - just to make it fair.
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