Posted on 05/25/2023 5:11:37 PM PDT by Right Wing Vegan
The mobile developer MagnusGames released a game on the Google Play Store entitled “Slavery Simulator.” As one might expect, it has caused a stir. Chiefly, the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, is now investigating the app and has asked Google for the developer’s email
Though Google has since removed the game from the store, it was downloaded over one thousand times before being taken down, and its store page was accompanied by “hate speech” in the comments area.
“It is a game in which the user plays the role of slave owner and can choose between the possibility of making a profit and preventing escapes and rebellions or fighting for freedom and achieving abolition, the Brazil prosecutors office said.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Sounds like a game the dems have been playing for years!
Haha ikr.
It's a lot like life.
Hey! How did I miss this one?? /jk
I guar-un-tee you , some other gamer corp will pick that up.
They may change a few trigger words and phrases, but the object of the game will be about the same.
The appeal is base, primative, some may even say reptilian.
We are supposed to be beyond all that kind of compulsion as a species.
People have always enjoyed the premise: “If I was King for a Day, I would firstly....”
A what level do reparations tokens become available?
You have to wait for the sequel Slavery Simulator II, in which even a Hungarian-descended NPC in Year 4047 is accountable.
a better article is at
I really don’t see the problem with it.
I wonder if they would have a problem with this game
Just invest in cotton mills and you can pretend not to know where the raw materials came from. Let’s you escape any connection.
When do I get to play, “Avoid Ghetto,” the next time I take a drive?
I’m not sure. Probably for the best to pull it. Especially coming from asian dudes stirring up trouble, as it is.
A lot of this story actually does make sense here in the real world.
Brazil is crying foul. Well, of course they would. Brazil (because of Portugal) had slavery first during slavery across the Atlantic. As the article mentions, other games with slavery in them didn’t cause an issue. Why this game? Probably because it features Brazil(and/or Portugal) prominently in the mix.
Brazil had the most slaves out of everybody, in many cases, combining multiple others. Half of all African slaves brought across the Atlantic ended up in Brazil.
Brazil was the last to abolish slavery. First in, last out.
Knowing these facts, well, the guilty squealed first.
The last thing Brazil wants is for people to wise up and start demanding Brazilian reparations. Nobody would pay more than Brazil, nobody. Or, however Portugal figures into the mix. They are the guiltiest of the guilty.
Can you say “Backlash” and “Slave” in the same headline and survive the... um, backlash?
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