No thank you. It’s informative posts like yours being the reason I come to Free Republic. I like to learn something new every day and there’s a lot of posters here who know way more about these various political subjects than I do and I learn from them every day. It’s kind off how I justify my wasting so much time on the internet lol. I say to myself well at least I’m learning something new if nothing else.
I feel much the same way.
There used to be a guy who posted on here who had extensive knowledge of the Energy Sector, particularly the exploration and drilling part. Just reading his extemporaneous commentary (clearly not cut and paste) he obviously was a geologist who had spent 45+ years in the industry.
When he spoke on that subject, I knew I could learn something accurate.
We have our share of cranks and trolls around here, but with practice, you can learn to tell who knows of what they speak, and who doesn’t!