BWAHAHAHhahhahhhahhaha. The incompetent Roooskie army. I'm blaming the vodka and the stupid generals.
While the Russian MoD says that those planes and choppers yesterday in Bryansk came down due to “unknown” reasons, which is an epic failure in itself, Prigozhin claims that all aerial Russian vehicles were victims of friendly fire.
Well, it’s them. What more to say?
General Mark Milley and Lloyd Austin will take this as a challenge.
The Ukraine war has demonstrated some sobering facts to the world’s military. In this modern technological era, it is clear that helicopters, naval surface combatants, armored land vehicles and to a lesser extent low flying fixed wing aircraft are obsolete. Since mankind will continue to go to war until the crack of doom, tactics will have to change.
Next year, the parade will consist of a ride-on lawn mower.