This MAGA voter experienced the fresh air and voted for Trump twice. But Trump imploded his presidency when he handed it over to Fauci and Birx and set the stage for the present mayhem. He may be the candidate, but when you get played like he did you shouldn’t get a free pass and coronation. The problem Trump has is that there is another source of fresher air that’s more conservative, a veteran, middle class, self-controlled, young and a faithful husband and father.
Desanctimonious would have done the same thing.
MAGA isn’t buying anything from the Florida Swamp while Trump is running.
Trump has had to deal with 50 states bringing their Swamp to DC..
And did it as a billionaire former Democrat, who embarrassed R and D career politicians, even some decorated veterans, some young, some faithful swamp members..
Trump relates to the middle class more than the political class.
He represents the middle class better than the political class.
Trump’s self control brought peace and prosperity to this nation and the world.
Your R team hasn’t been sending their best.
It took a non politician former democrat, to embarrass allegedly more conservative,veterans,middle class, self-controlled, young and faithful fathers and men..
And with it, the R vs D con..
Quite the political movement to abandon after the stolen election of 2020.
But surrender monkeys are chirping a lot lately..