Definitely illegal, wrong and unconstitutional.
It has the goal of totally destroying this country for all time. There will be NO recovery from reparations.
Do not think these people are just kidding. They are serious. They think they can make the country communist by taking money from those who earn it and by giving it to those who refuse to earn it and are responsible for their own failures.
The recipients will NEVER agree to an end of it. It will be in perpetuity. Do you think that little babies born after the passage of the law will NOT get their 10 million?
If enacted, it will be permanent. Think of how many hours you will have to work to pay for this. How long will 7/8 of the population have to work to fund the 10 million given to each of the 1/8 that isn’t working? Little math problem that I can’t do. My estimate is that the 7/8 will be forced to work 3 jobs just in order to live in poverty in order to earn enough to pay their share of the 1/8 of the 10 million. Actually, it looks like it can’t be done. There is no way that anyone can work enough hours to earn enough money to pay a million in taxes. Can’t happen. Will not happen. So the money will simply be created by the government, leading to runaway inflation and the collapse of the economy.
A thought experiment. Do you think that ANY of the recipients of the 10 million is ever going to lift a finger to WORK? (I know they hate the word “work” - with reparations they’ll never work again).
Another thought. Why on earth would any of the normal people ever work again? ALL your earnings will be taken in taxes to pay the happy recipients, who will continue to assault you in the subway, steal your cars, rape the women, loot stores, and will go right on merrily hating you and giving you the finger?
Wealth cannot be conferred on a population by fiat. It has to be taught and encultured, and must include a number of other factors, such as natural resources, location, political favor, and “wild cards.”