Posted on 04/26/2023 4:50:11 AM PDT by Timber Rattler
For Ruslan, an engineer in the Belarus capital of Minsk, Russia’s war in neighboring Ukraine suddenly seemed closer than ever when a conscription office recently sent him a summons for military training.
It’s part of an effort that will see thousands of men in Belarus attend drills amid fears that the staunch Moscow ally could be drawn into the fighting.
“They are telling us that Belarus won’t enter the war against Ukraine, but I hear Russian warplanes roar over my house heading to the Machulishchi air base outside Minsk,” the 27-year-old told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. He asked not to be fully identified out of concern for his personal safety.
“Russian troops are already in Belarus, and I see the country gradually being turned into a military barracks,” he said. “Everybody fears that they won’t allow Belarusians to keep watching the war from a distance for too long.”
Russia’s invasion is deeply unpopular in Belarus, which shares a 1,000-kilometer (620-mile) border with Ukraine and has many citizens with family or personal ties there.
“The Belarusians don’t see any sense in this war,” said Svyatlana, a 54-year-old manager in Luninets, near the border. She asked not to be identified by her full name for her own security.
A new Belarusian air defense unit was formed recently in the city, she said, and “war fears have increased” as troop numbers have grown.
Belarusian military analyst Aliaksandr Alesin said that if the country’s 45,000-member army is sent into Ukraine, there might be “mass refusals to follow orders.”
He said Lukashenko won’t do it “because he fears to stir up discontent among the military, who could turn their weapons in a different direction.”
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Lukashenko will string Putin along. After all, he doesn’t want to be the next one to fall out of a window. But secretly he is probably rooting for Putin to fail, since that is what is really in Lukashenko’s best interest.
Well duh nobody wants to be drawn into a war. I’m sure there’s plenty on the NATO side with the same concerns.
How Ukrainian soldiers ran the extermination camp at Treblinka during the Second World War
26 April 2023 Of Russia And Ukraine Situation.
This video provides a brief Front Line Update of areas like Bakhmut, Avdiivka, Zaporizhzhia, Maryinka, Kherson, etc.. We discuss changes made to the front line and analyse the current situation with a neutral approach. We also discuss many events and provide brief report and give brief military summary for that event. We try our very best to give you information as accurately as possible. We get our information from multiple sources from both sides.
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