I hope they can pass a budget resolution, but I doubt it.
Fear porn as usual.
I was planning on leaving in two weeks for a month in Europe.
My gut is saying Not to go...
It feels like it’s time to get things organized here.
If McCarthy was a dem, he would not compromise, the debt limit be damned. If the GOP digs in and passes a bill with budget cuts, and the senate dems won’t pass it with cuts, can the bill go into a house/senate conference?
“God knows what that turns into. But I’m sure it’s nothing good.”
When people can’t put food on the table, things can get ugly. But when people who have more guns than the population of the country can’t put food on the table, I think things get REAL ugly.
everybody says we should cut spending
everybody KNOWS we NEED to cut spending
but the FJB doesn’t want to do any of it...
why is it all on McCarty to cut a deal? Why not say Joe Biden needs to cut a deal????