At first glance, the supposedly squeaky clean Mormons seem to be strange bedfellows to the cartels. Look deeper and it makes complete sense. Mormons make up a large portion of the entrepreneurial blue collar class in Phoenix metro area, especially in Mesa. They are heavily dependent upon illegal aliens to run their businesses. In fact, for many, exploitation of cheap illegal alien labor is the basis of their business model. As a result, what were once working class Mesa Mormon neighborhoods are now havens illegal aliens with several families or groups of illegals living in a house. As the cartels have become the brokers of the illegal alien community, they may very well have become allied with and infiltrated into the local Mormon business community. This Mormon community is a very close knit and well organized unit of a much larger and equally well organized Mormon international organization that has a huge presence in Mexico and South America. This makes the claims by Harris’s speaker very believable and credible.
You bring up some good points but i will have to say that two of the best Project Managers i have had in the ladt twenty years have been the finest young Morman family men i have ever known.
Exactly. Brieger is on record presenting a document which names elected officials who have received bribes. The document presents the method of payment, and the parties involved in funneling the money to the politicians.
The appropriate response would be a defamation law suit.